RealBench Mod
RealBench is Minecraft Forge mod, which makes vanilla workbenches more usable out-of-box: Items don’t drops when you close crafting gui Other players can see your crafting process Items will be dropped...
View ArticleJust Enough Tooltips Mod
JustEnoughTooltips Mod is an addon for JEI that helps you to quickly find and view recipes for items and blocks. Removing the need to open a GUI, JustEnoughTooltips allows you to view recipes and uses...
View ArticleFriendly Fire Mod
Friendly Fire Mod will prevent pet mobs from being damaged by their owners. You can also edit the config file to prevent damage to baby mobs as well, however this is off by default. Why would anyone...
View Articlejglrxavpok’s Uncrafting Table Mod
This mod adds an Uncrafting Table which allows you to convert unwanted items back into the resources they’re crafted from, in exchange for XP. Uncraft items from vanilla Minecraft or other mods....
View ArticleLittleUtilities Mod
LittleUtilities Mod is small mod that adds stuff to make things easier. Mainly crafting recipes, but there will probably be other things later. First started off as a joke mod for a video, but was...
View ArticleStacksize Mod
Stacksize Mod allows you to change the Stacksize of selected items (configurable with max of 64 and minimum of 1. Setting to 0 or less essentially disables the stacksize mod.) Default items in the...
View ArticleStarcraft Core Mod
Starcraft Core mod is created by Krabbe_LP, I recommend to use this mod with Forge-1.8.9-, and Just Enough Items too see the recipes. This mod contains: Elemental=Fire, Water, Earth, Air...
View ArticleBuilding Boots Mod
Building Boots Mod adds “Building Boots”, which place blocks below yourself. How to use Wear the boots, hold blocks and walk. Then the blocks will be placed consuming them. To put a block...
View ArticleTime Twister Mod
The armors and tools in this mod grants you various abilities. Currently, the mod has 4 armors and 4 tools. Armors: ARmer Ciclon 2Awesome Gabart ARmer Gives you Level 4 Speed, Strength and Regeneration...
View ArticleCraftableEnchantments4you Mod
This mod adds the ability to craft any vanilla enchantment books. Books+Obsidian=Unbreaking Books+Blaze rod=Fire Aspect Books+Blaze powder=Flame Books+Stick+Feather+Flint=Infinity Books+stick=Power...
View ArticleThe End Is Escaping Mod
What It Adds New Biome: Escaped End New Biome: Escaped Nether New Item: Ender Essence New Ore: Ender ore New Block: Ender Block New Sword: Ender Sword New Pickaxe: Ender Pickaxe New Armour: Ender...
View ArticleHit Range Mod
Hit Range Mod [Forge 1.7.10 + 1.8.9] This modification visualizes the hit range of players with circles. What does this modification exactly do? As already stated above, this modification visualizes...
View ArticleMore Swords Mod
The MoSwords Mod adds a lot of new Swords. (curently aboud 45 Swords/Items) 16.000+ Downloads :D, so I added the “Firework Sword” Eatable Spezial Items new Swords The Swords: Swords Cookie Sword Carrot...
View ArticleSpaceX Mod 1.10.2/1.8.9
Getting Started SpaceX mod is an Galacticraft addons wich allow you explore the space aboard the SpaceX rockets and reuse them like IRL. This mod is compatible with Just Enought Items for the items and...
View ArticleReAuth Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2
Capabilities: Fixes the Problem of having to restart your Client when your Session is invalid Shows whether your Session is valid Change Accounts while Minecraft is running Change Username for playing...
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